Category: Bishop’s Blog
Honest love of country
Bishop David Alan Bard challenges us to see our nation and its history with honest eyes, not only celebrating the things we love but working together to change it for the better… I write this on the cusp of the July 4 national holiday. Independence Day has been celebrated in some fashion since 1776. Congress… Continue Reading Honest love of country
Walking to Emmaus and Annual Conference
As the Michigan Annual Conference gets closer, Bishop David Bard asks us to hold the gamut of emotions we will experience there and remember to look for Jesus in our midst… One of the traditional Gospel readings for the Sundays immediately following Easter is the story of the two disciples walking from Jerusalem to Emmaus.… Continue Reading Walking to Emmaus and Annual Conference
Resurrection don’t come easy
Bishop David Alan Bard’s Easter message asks us to hold the pain and honesty of Good Friday together with the hope and wonder of Easter… Many of you know I enjoy music, and for Lent 2021, I engaged in a unique discipline by putting together a playlist, a song each day from Ash Wednesday through… Continue Reading Resurrection don’t come easy
Mighty wind and quiet stream
Reflecting on the recent Asbury revival, Bishop David Alan Bard invites us this Lent to look for spiritual transformation in both dramatic experiences and everyday disciplines… The New York Times headline read: “‘Woodstock’ for Christians: Revival Draws Thousands to Kentucky Town.” Beginning with a chapel service on the campus of Asbury University on February 8, students,… Continue Reading Mighty wind and quiet stream
Heart work, soul work, community work
In this month’s Joyful Journey, Bishop David Alan Bard reminds us that the gospel is about heart change, which is an important part of tackling issues like racism and violence in our society… February is Black History Month, and as we begin, we are mourning the death of another Black man killed interacting with law… Continue Reading Heart work, soul work, community work
Foster a dialogic culture
In this month’s Joyful Journey, Bishop David Alan Bard asks us to dedicate ourselves to creating a spacious church with a dialogic culture where conversations are respectful, rich, and deep… We are beginning a new year, and I am starting the next part of my journey with you as your bishop. My temporary assignment as… Continue Reading Foster a dialogic culture
Prepare our hearts for Jesus
In this Advent edition of Joyful Journey, Bishop David Bard encourages us to open our hearts, our lives, and our communities so Jesus can show up in us and through us to touch the world… Friends, we are again entering the Christian season of Advent, the time of preparation for the celebration of the birth… Continue Reading Prepare our hearts for Jesus
Press on for Jesus Christ
In this month’s Joyful Journey, Bishop David Bard reflects on North Central Jurisdictional Conference, scheduled for November 2-5, 2022, and what it means for him and the missional work we’ve been called to be part of as Michigan United Methodists… When I arrive in Fort Wayne, IN, on October 31, it will be the sixth… Continue Reading Press on for Jesus Christ
Listen to autumn’s reverie
Bishop David Bard, in this month’s Joyful Journey, invites us to slow down during the changing seasons, pay attention, and take time to appreciate life’s good gifts… As the calendar turns from September to October, there is no shortage of difficult and challenging topics that could be addressed. Hurricane Ian devastated many parts of Florida,… Continue Reading Listen to autumn’s reverie
Addressing denominational tensions
In this month’s Joyful Journey, Bishop David Bard addresses denominational tensions by correcting misinformation that is spreading about the Michigan Conference’s disaffiliation process and what theology he believes will guide the future UMC… We are not yet through the COVID-19 pandemic. People are still getting sick, and some are dying, but we seem to be… Continue Reading Addressing denominational tensions